Application of Commercial Concrete in Different Construction Projects
There are many types of concrete available in the market today. Some of them include Air entrained concrete, Pervious concrete, and Rapid hardening concrete. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Check out website formwork sydney, this will discuss the pros and cons of each type and their applications in various construction projects.
Pervious concrete
Pervious concrete is a low-cost and environmentally friendly solution for sustainable construction. It recharges groundwater and reduces storm water runoff. This material can be used for many construction applications and is an excellent choice for sustainable land management. Learn more about how this material can be used to improve your home or business.

Pervious concrete pavements must be installed with special care. The moisture content of the soil must be accounted for when selecting the type of pervious concrete for your job. These pavements may also require periodic cleaning. Typically, pervious concrete pavement consists of cement, coarse aggregates, water, and admixtures. The proportion of coarse to fine aggregates should be around six to ten percent.
Air entrained concrete
Using air-entrained concrete in construction projects is an effective and efficient way to improve the durability and workability of concrete. The process is simple and can be performed at the batch plant or on site. Since concrete is a difficult and expensive material to work with, introducing air during the mixing process will help to increase the workability and durability of concrete.
Adding air to concrete reduces the amount of cement and water required for maintaining the desired slump. It also improves the fluidity of the concrete. Air entrainment improves the durability of concrete and makes it less prone to cracking and swelling.
Rapid hardening concrete
Rapid hardening cement is an excellent choice for projects where time is of the essence. This cement forms strong bonds within a short amount of time, and has excellent resistance to cold weather. It is used for road work, precast slabs, posts, and other types of concrete.
These cements can be hardened in a matter of hours. They are widely used in different construction projects, including underwater construction and road repairs. They are also an environmentally friendly alternative to portland cement.
Lightweight concrete
Lightweight commercial concrete is a type of concrete that can be used for various construction projects. It can be formed in several ways and can be made up of various types of materials. For example, it can be made of lightweight aggregates, foamed concrete, or autoclaved aerated concrete. This type of concrete is usually used for house construction and is usually made up of thermally treated natural raw materials and industrial by-products. However, when using lightweight concrete, it is important to choose the right kind of lightweight aggregate. A poor grade of aggregate will result in a concrete that is low in strength.
Lightweight commercial concrete is a great choice for many applications, including structural engineering and shipbuilding. The first commercial plant to produce this type of concrete was set up in Kansas, USA, in the 1920s. Compared to natural aggregates, industrially produced concrete aggregates are uniform in composition and quality.
Stamped concrete
Stamped concrete is a very versatile material, and it can be used in various construction projects. You can create patterns to match your home’s design, or you can choose to add a unique look to a particular area of your home. This type of concrete can also mimic the appearance of bricks, tile, wood, and stone. It also has a low maintenance cost compared to real materials.
Before applying a stamped concrete design, make sure you have the right type of concrete for your project. The kind of concrete you choose is important, as is the type of stamp that you use. For example, if you want a multi-color pattern, you might order pre-colored cement and add it to your concrete truck. Before finishing, make sure the surface is level by screeding. This is a necessary step to prevent high or low spots in your surface.